are delighted to welcome Karen Aldous to the blog today as she takes us to
another beautiful location in France.
fourth book with Carina is soon to be published. Without giving too much away
can you tell us a little about One Moment at Sunrise.
I love Evie Grant, my main character. Evie
has everything, a gorgeous little girl, lives in a beautiful villa in southern
France by the Canal-du-Midi with a talented and highly regarded singer-songwriter–
her life, you imagine, so perfect, every girl’s dream. However, her life is
empty, her loneliness desperately painful. This is where her emotional journey
stems. The story unravels as her misery is explored and she discovers what is
missing in her life.
the setting for your latest novel similar to those that came before? How
important is location to you?
One Moment at Sunrise is set along the coast
from my previous books; on the beautiful, man-made Canal-du-Midi where characters
are woven from its history and influential to the story. I enjoy reading
stories set in exotic locations, as well as writing them, they allow me to soak
up the atmosphere and the holiday mood so I want my readers to immerse
themselves in that too. A world away from their daily routine.
much time do you devote to social media?
I try to limit it because it can be hugely
distracting when I’m writing, but there are so many interesting stories, pics
and snippets people post - it’s difficult. So, I try to do a half hour three
times a day and I like to do a guest blog-post once a month. Obviously at
launch times this all goes out the window, but hey-ho, it’s what writers do
nowadays and its lovely to connect to readers.
you have a regime and do you stick to it or are you adaptable if something else
‘turns up’?
I have to be adaptable – I need balance in my
life, I’m a Libran after all! I’ve never been one to rigidly stick to routine.
My family and friends are core, so having them around or, taking off somewhere
on an impulsive whim is possibly my weakness! Being so curious I can’t sit
still long, so in some ways I’m purpose-built for writing but, of course, when
deadlines are there, it’s all hands on keyboard!
Is there another book waiting in the wings?
Of course…I have so
many ideas buzzing around, I can’t tell you so, yes. I never want to stop
writing and I will soon start planning the next. Right now, I’m off to the Alps
and I need to leave Evie to get on with her life and give my head an
opportunity to recharge. You can’t imagine how much I’m looking forward to
meeting my next characters and getting to know them.
Have you ever considered changing genre? Is
there something quite different you’re burning to write?
Absolutely. I’d love
to try a psychological suspense but the one burning desire I have is to write a
beautiful sweeping epic. In fact, I began outlining and writing a synopsis as
well as carrying out quite a bit of the research last spring, which although is
still in its embryonic stage, it’s developing. It’s a dual time line, and a bit
of a project. An eclectic mix of family drama, suspense, romance and historical
And finally, what is next for Karen Aldous?
All the above. And, I’ve
also set myself a challenge to improve my writing skills. I’m in awe of writers
such as Elena Ferrante, Tracy Rees and, Iona Grey, the recent Romantic Novel of
the Year winner and the book I’m reading at the moment; it’s a spookily similar
format to the epic I’ve planned, but these authors organise their words so
Much of Karen's inspiration comes
from her travels. The UK, France, Switzerland and USA are just some you’ll be
transported to in her books, but wherever she goes, new characters invite
themselves into 'Karen's World' screaming to tell their stories; strong
independent women capable of directing their own lives - but struggle to control
them...especially when temptation strikes!
Karen feels so much of her success derives
from support of fellow writers at Romantic Novelists’ Association and The Write
Karen’s books published by Carina are available on Amazon:
Twitter: @KarenAldous_
The RNA blog is brought to you by
Elaine Everest & Natalie Kleinman
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