Can you tell us something
about your journey to your present job?
journey has been a well-trodden route, working my way up the editorial ladder
across the varied publishing landscape. The reason I’ve always been attracted
to the publishing industry is because it’s a melting pot of ideas, great minds
and plenty of humour. What I love about the day-to-day is that I’m continually
inspired by the people I work with: be they authors, colleagues or agents. Each
day we challenge perspectives, come together to talk about books and then we
are tasked with finding readers. The finished book is the sum of all of these
parts and it’s the reason I’ve continued along the journey to my current
What is a typical day like as a busy
editor – if there is such a thing as a typical day?
I’m lucky I might write some back-cover copy and a few strap lines. Then I’ll
spend some time giving thought to a strategic direction we’re taking an author
in. If I’ve just acquired a new author, I’ll be negotiating terms which will
inform a publishing contract. Then I’ll spend time drafting cover briefs, which
might involve trying out title ideas on my colleagues. One thing’s for sure,
each day I try to consume more Earl Grey tea than anyone else within in the
Have you ever wanted to write a book?
day I hope that I will want to, but that moment hasn’t arrived
When not surrounded by books in your
job what do you like to read for leisure?
reading habits vary wildly, but this year I’ve been busy gobbling up everything
written by Elena Ferrante. We read our colleagues’ submissions too, so I enjoy
everything from memoir to dystopia. The book I’m reading at the moment is
pitched as Bridget Jones’ Diary-meets-The Matrix, one to look out for in 2018 . . .
What are you looking for at present?
of the books I acquired last Frankfurt Book Fair is a debut called Before
You Go. It’s a love story, though not in a traditional sense. Boy meets
girl; they share a full and loving life together . . . But at the beginning of the book our
leading man dies. This story asks what happens if you could turn back the clock
and change the past . . . Against all
odds, can love triumph? In essence, I’m looking for novels that transcend
genre, that take you on an unexpected journey and leave you breathless.
If you receive a submission that is not
a genre you handle, do you pass it to another editor in your company?
Does your company
accept un-agented submissions?
We receive all of our submissions via
literary agents on the Pan, Macmillan, Picador and Mantle lists. The exception
is our science fiction and fantasy imprint, Tor Books, which does accept
unsolicited submissions.
You can find lots of information on
how to get an agent to represent you at https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/writers
there are plenty of writing tips there too.
Do you have a crystal ball? What do you
feel will be then next ‘big thing’?
something I would like to have – what a handy desk tidy! Without a crystal ball
to aid my publishing decisions, I tend to go with my instinct. As I write this,
we’re adjusting to life in an ambiguous political climate. We’ve had unreliable
narrators and we’ve had enough of unreliable politicians. What we need is
the voice of the reliable, of the good, of those who’ve overcome life’s testing
challenges. Did they find sanctuary, friendship, perhaps love?
times of uncertainty, people crave comfort and stability and enjoy returning
to a treasured reading habit. Next year, we will start publishing a writer
whose stories are like a comfort blanket. That said, she's not one to shy away
from controversial issues – choosing instead to tackle them head-on. Danielle
Steel has never been afraid to shine a light on the voices of the unheard and
we have some amazing stories coming next year.
If you have one piece of advice to give
to anyone submitting a manuscript, what would it be?
you’re confident that your manuscript is the best you can make it and if it
meets an agent’s submission guidelines, you’ll have put your best foot
Thank you, Victoria, and may I take this opportunity of wishing you and all our contributors and readers and very Happy Christmas and a great reading/writing 2017.
Kleinman writes contemporary and historical romantic novels and has thrown a
bit of a mystery into the mix in her current wip. She is accumulating a nice
collection of Regency works to help with her research. You can follow her blog
at http://nataliekleinman.blogspot.co.uk/
If you would like to write for the RNA blog please contact us on elaineeverest@aol.com