Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Cautionary Tale - Speaking to Readers

When asked, every writer has a story of that moment when they see someone they don't know reading THEIR book and they have tales of when friends have not only spied someone reading their books, but have dared to approach the reader.

RNA member and debut novelist Cally Taylor has one such story to tell. Friends the world round have been on the look out for HEAVEN CAN WAIT. These many friends have been taking photos and sending them to Cally (for a full report click here). One encountered an interesting reaction when he tried to request permission to take a photo of a woman reading Cally's book and this is the text he sent Cally:

"So, I saw the same girl on the train today, she's still reading your book! I chose my moment, wriggled past a few passengers, went up to her and explained that 'I know the author', 'it's her first novel' and 'she's very excited' and that I'd like to send her a picture of someone actually reading her book and would she mind?And this girl just looked at me, didn't say anything for what must've been 5-10 seconds, and then eventually, with a completely deadpan expression on her face, responded, "That's the worst chat up line I've ever heard." and just walked off."

That could be the beginning of a novel itself.....

'What would I do without you, Lucy Brown?' he said, and kissed me softly. I held his face in my hands and kissed him back. I felt that life just couldn't get any more perfect. And I was right, it wouldn't. By the end of the next day, I'd be dead.

Lucy is about to marry the man of her dreams - kind, handsome, funny Dan - when she breaks her neck the night before their wedding. Unable to accept a lifetime's separation from her soulmate, Lucy decides to become a ghost rather than go to heaven and be parted from Dan.

HEAVEN CAN WAIT is out now.


  1. Ha ha! Poor Bloke!
    I've read Heaven Can Wait already, and I strongly recommend it; it's fast-paced, very funny, true to life (despite being about a ghost), and had me laughing, crying, and laughing again within just a few pages! Brilliant read. Couldn't put it down!

  2. Oh, that's priceless! What a mate, though. And you've sold me, I'm off to hit one-click

  3. Such a cute story, and, yes, it does sound like a good start to a book. LOL!

  4. I love this story! And the book, buy it, it's a must-read :-)

  5. Very interesting post... I can see that you put a lot of hard work on your blog. I'm sure I'd visit here more often. George from romantic films.
