Friday, November 18, 2011

RNA Winter Party - The Glam and The Shoes!

The wonderful Talli Roland snapped away at last night's Winter Party and she's done a fabulous job...enjoy!


  1. Everyone always looks so glam and happy at these parties.

  2. Great photos - I do hope to make an RNA party in London one day!
    Janice (in Scotland)xx

  3. Fabulous photos of a fabulous event!

    So many gorgeous outfits, and the shoes...I'm beginning to forget who wore what, so I have to ask whose were the pewter shoes with the bow: they're gorgeous!

  4. I so wish I had been able to make it. Lusting after the union Jack shoes :-)

    Sarah - have you ever been able to make it to any?

    Janice - one of these days...

    Kate - you looked wonderful as always!


  5. Great photos. I apologise for the odd expression on my face in that final shot with Lizzie, Anita and Sue, but as Talli will know, I was catapulted into the picture. Lol! Fantastic night and thank you to everyone - I felt very welcomed.
    Kind regards

  6. Fabulous photos and you all look so glam and happy! Like Janice, I'd love to come down from Scotland to one of the parties some day.

  7. Great photos!
    Mine are the pewter court shoes they're from Faith
    (and currently in the debenhams spectacular for £37.50 GRRR)
    It was so lovely to put faces to names and fabulous to meet so many lovely new people.

  8. I love seeing the photos, it reminds me how much fun the parties are and how I must organise my life better so I can be there next summer.

    PS How come Liz H looks sober in these pics?

  9. Everyone looks very happy and shoes are so glam.Thanks for lovely pictures for those of us who were not there

  10. Lovely to see so many friends having a good time.

  11. Great pictures. I had an amazing time at the party. It was wonderful catching up with and meeting so many people.

    Loving those union jack shoes!

  12. How hilarious that a photo of one of my (much adored) Roberto Vianni shoes made it in the photo blog. I have a very interesting photo of Talli that I notice she omitted to include here ;) However, she does have it up on her facebook page should you wish to see what I'm talking about!

  13. It's a great place to meet fabulous people. Everyone is always so friendly.

  14. The shoes were all fabulous, I think you should have labelled them all with their owners names! :)

  15. Love the British flag shoes and all those glam dresses.
