Wednesday, July 11, 2012

RNA Conference 2012 - Penrith Prep by Laura James

The Penrith Prep.

I’m a firm believer in preparation – it complements my liking for order.
For those familiar with Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I know precisely where my towel is and never travel without it.
I am taking a pink one to Penrith.
I also carry a sick bowl in the car at all times.
Just so you know.
Since I have a predilection for prepping, I have spent the last few weeks getting organised for my first RNA Conference – I have written and entered my story for the Elizabeth Goudge Trophy, tackled a synopsis, pinned it to a first chapter and sent it to Jan Jones, and visited several BIG shops in search of the Gala Dinner dress.
I engaged Gajitman (my husband) in planning the route from Weymouth to Bristol to Birmingham to Penrith, working out times and places from where I can collect random Romaniacs, (it will be Thelma, Thelma, Louise and Louise in my red car – shades and headscarves at the ready, girls), and most importantly, I have chosen which pens and notebooks to take with me.
It will be a week of many firsts: first Conference, first one-to-one with an editor, first student flat-share and first glass of wine.
I do believe I have just told my first story about Conference.
I’m very much looking forward to seeing everyone – travel safely and enjoy the weekend. Hoot three times if you see a red Scenic on the M6 with two Thelmas

 and twin Louises. But not if we’re near a cliff.
Laura x


  1. This is very funny and if you're novel is as engaging, then you're onto a winner!

  2. Adding headscarf to my packing list. Looking forward to the ROAD TRIP!

  3. Thank you, Sharon. I appreciate your kind comments.

    Catherine - I'm busy angle-grinding the top off my car as I type...

    Laura x

  4. Thank you Laura - this made me chuckle! Can't wait to see you tomorrow - sunglasses and scarf packed. Am I a Thelma or a Louise?

  5. Fab post, Laura. It sounds like you're all organised and will have an absolute ball. I'm so looking forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy every minute of your first conference. x x

  6. Excellent post Laura - so looking forward to seeing you all on Friday as Lucie Wheeler and I bring up the rear!


  7. Your preparations make me feel inadequate, so far I have bought one bottle of wine and some pain killers and found my bag. Must actually start putting things *in* bag - starting with wine and painkillers...

  8. You are Mrs Organised, indeed. Whereas your Romaniac buddy here is definitely, Ms Headless Chicken this evening!

    Can't wait to see you. Super blog. As always ;) xx

  9. Help - I'd better start getting organised! Great post, Laura. I've only been to one conference before - at Penrith. Safe journey in the red car.

  10. That was great! I'm still giggling. Yep, I pack the sick bowl too, if I'm driving.

    I'll wave to you from the train and see you there.


  11. See you there, Laura, but are you sure it's your first glass of wine???

  12. Thank you for your great comments. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the post. I'm off to bed now in readiness for the journey.
    See you there :-) x

  13. You seem to have thought of everything. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time and it will be the first of many fun RNA conferences you'll attend.

    Sigh. Wish I was going too.

    1. Thank you, Debs. Yes - we wish you were coming too. Had a good first day - no-one used the towel or the sick bowl.
      Laura. x

  14. Post-conference, I can readily confirm that the music you brought for the obligatory kitchen party was a success. The phone films doing the rounds on Facebook also confirm this. Unfortunately. Though I blame the homemade wine for any evidence on those films ...

  15. Victoria - thank you for joining in with such enthusiasm. You are a legend.
    Laura :-)
