Friday, April 25, 2014

Lin Treadgold going Dutch

Lin Treadgold was born in Saltburn by the Sea, on the east coast of England. She a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and The Society of Authors. In 2001 she moved to The Netherlands. Her romance novel, 'Goodbye, Henrietta Street' was launched on 1st July 2013.

‘Goodbye, Henrietta Street’, is a poignant romance novel based on the Isles of Scilly and Yorkshire. Pippa Lambton leaves home for the beautiful Isles of Scilly, for a chance to rediscover herself. She meets Norwegian, Sven Jorgensen. Is this the eternal nature holiday or just a passing wave on the beach?

What gave you the idea for your book and how long did it take to write?
A place to which I have always returned are The Isles of Scilly in Cornwall. Its very special to me and fulfils all those dreams of paradise and warm conversation. Life is caring and provides an appreciation of all the things we take for granted on the mainland and the wildlife is a pleasure to watch with puffins, seals, and wonderful flowers.   
I wanted to provide the rest of the world with information about this lovely part of the UK, through a romance novel and I wrote Goodbye, Henrietta Street with my heart in the writing.

I went to Scilly with a friend who had cancer and he encouraged me to write the book. ‘You never know until you try.’ he’d said.  ‘Life is too short.’ Six months later he passed away. It was his words that made me want to see it through. 

How did you find your publisher?
I made twenty or so submissions and was accepted by two publishers but I turned them down, as their contracts were not to my needs.  I eventually found Safkhet Publishing who offered me everything I required for a first novel and I accepted their offer.

When did you decide to become a writer and how did you start this new part of your life?
I have always loved writing stories but I never got around to being serious about it until I moved to Holland. I opened a journal on my daily routine in early 2001.  After reading through the proposed book, written in longhand, I started to type it out on the computer.  I searched for a creative writing tutor. Jacqui Lofthouse who gave me all the right information on how to write and what to look for. . I had previously undertaken a creative writing course with Leeds University in the late 1980’s so I was able to get out my notes and start the whole process again.

What is next in your writing life?
Try to stop me writing and it would be like having my teeth pulled.  No sooner had I launched my first novel, I wrote the second one. To quote my editor at Cornerstones Literary Consultancy,‘The Tanglewood Affair’ has all the ingredients of a gripping and absorbing novel: an array of colourful and interesting characters, an unusual setting, sinister goings-on and a central love story. It makes for a really engaging read.’ I hope very soon it will be ready for submission. I am now making the final changes to the text.
To have a consultant and bounce ideas is worth a lot to me, providing me with a very professional report. I also have Sue Moorcroft to thank for her input. It is up to the author to set up a presence with book signings and so on and build a rapport with readers. My previous life experiences showed me how to do this. 
The third novel has the first seven chapters written with a working title of Harold, The Good Soldier.  The story is very real and poignant inspired by original World War II letters from a prison camp in Italy.  So watch this space. I enjoy working on two books at the same time.  I also have a novella in progress.

Safkhet Publishing: Goodbye, Henrietta Street

Thank you for joining us today, Lin.

Brought to you by the blogging team of Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman

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