Friday, April 18, 2014

SERENA FAIRFAX: Loving That Feeling

Today we have author, Serena Fairfax visiting the blog.

Welcome, Serena, please tell us a little about your life.
I spent my childhood in India, qualified as a Lawyer in England and joined a London firm. Romance is hardwired into my DNA so my novels include a strong romantic theme. A few of my favourite things are collecting old masks, singing (in the rain) and exploring off the beaten track. 

Loving That Feeling is a great title. What is the story about?
Seared by a bigamous love cheat, London designer, Deborah Tremaine backs off sex. But when charismatic Serbian, Zoran Pavlović, who wants to demolish an art deco cinema she’s campaigning to save, crosses her path she’s up for a fling. Incidents trigger the revelation of their personal demons. Can they escape the black holes?

When writing your novels which is your favourite genre? 
It’s contemporary romantic fiction.

How do you fit your writing into your busy life? Are you a lark or an owl?
I write in the lunch hour at the office, I take my laptop to the office library and tap away there. You’d be surprised how many of us are beavering away at some sort of  magnum opus – plays, novels, poetry.  I write a few pages before I go into the office and when I return home. I’m a hybrid - a ‘larowl’ - which is both a lark and a night owl.

What advice would you give to those just starting out on their writing careers?
Read, Read, Read. Write, Write, Write. Don’t give up!

What is next in your writing life?
My next book is due for release by Siren BookStrand in Spring 2014. Then I’m off on holiday to Ukraine (political situation permitting) and hope to find inspiration there for another book.

Thank you so much for chatting with us, Serena. We hope that you enjoy your trip to the Ukraine.

The RNA blog is brought to you by the team of Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman.
If you have a book due for release or would like to blog about a writing topic then please contact us on:

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