Today we welcome
Anne Stenhouse

When I was puzzling what I could bring to
this, I had in mind the difficulties I experienced when writing Daisy’s
Dilemma, my new book from MuseItUp, as an unplanned follow-on. That
was fairly miserable, but I can’t think anyone wants to read about
incompetence. You’re here to find out what works.
What works for me is drama as I used to
write plays. I like to hear the words. I like to craft a scene. I once went on
courses…Screenwriting courses are keen to impress that in a good story the
central character may be pursuing something they want desperately, but the resolution will be them arriving at
something they need desperately. And
so it often is in life.
I remember desperately wanting my mum to
buy a packet of Cornish wafers when we were shopping one Sunday morning. She
rightly sussed that what I wanted was the elaborate concoction pictured on the
side, but pride made me deny it. Then I had to eat my way through a packet of
Cornish wafers which did not have slices of cheese and olives neatly piled
thereon. Of course what I really needed
was something different. I was curious about the foods that were increasingly
arriving in the newly established supermarkets. My poor mother must have been
so caught between the different demands of the generations as my dad had very
conservative taste.
Daisy’s Dilemma, e-pub 16th June, is my third
book from MuseItUp and has the want/need
conundrum at its centre. Mr John Brent is Lady Daisy’s heart’s desire. She has plotted, manoeuvred and fought for the
right to marry this man. She wants him so much, she can’t think sensibly. She
wants him so much she’s made everyone else’s life miserable and they are very
happy to oblige her. Is betrothal to Mr Brent as good as she imagined? Will the
heroine have to lie in the bed she’s made?
Real life in earlier times meant that
young people thought long and hard before defying their ‘friends’ when it came
to choosing a partner. Hence the wonderful romantic and dramatic possibilities
for the novelist of a desperate ride to the Scottish border when that became
the only way to secure one’s heart’s desire. Of course, the repercussions
inflicted by irate parents when such a ride was successful or the emotional
mayhem when the scales fall from the heroine’s eyes are both rich sources for
the author. Pity this poor author, then, when Lady Daisy’s dramatic needs are
frustrated by success. What next? What is truly her heart’s desire and was this author be able to understand what her needs were so she in turn might, too?
About Anne
Multi-published historical
romance author, Anne Stenhouse, lives and writes in Edinburgh, Scotland. She
shares her house with her husband and dancing partner of over thirty years and
enjoys having children and a grandson in fairly close proximity. When not
plotting Regency style mayhem, Anne enjoys Scottish country dancing, theatre
and the company of good friends. She plays badminton poorly and reads a lot of
books. Anne has recently joined the RNA committee and expects to read even more
books as a result.
you for joining us, Anne, and good luck with Daisy’s Dilemma
blog is brought to you by
Elaine Everest & Natalie Kleinman
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