Welcome back to Helena Fairfax with another of her popular agent interviews.
delighted to introduce literary agent Eve White, who has very kindly agreed to
give up precious time to answer my soul-searching questions. Eve’s answers are
thoughtful and in some cases surprising – as you will see!
for joining us today, Eve.
Please tell us a little about the Eve White
Literary Agency, how long it’s been established, and how you came to set it up.
was a drama director and actor for 25 years and during that time I wrote many
plays. I had always
thought that running my own business was something I’d be
good at and one day I decided to give it a go. I didn’t tell anyone, I just
said to myself, ‘I want a business that I can run from home that has a strong
creative element.’ A few weeks later, a friend gave me a manuscript to read. I
gave him some editorial suggestions and he asked me to be his agent. Just like
that - out of the blue. So that was it! I got started and never looked back. At
the time, he was self-publishing the first of a series and I realised that what
he really needed was someone to do his sales, marketing and PR. I took the book
to the head of sales at Waterstones and got it into the nationwide 3 for 2
promotion. We sold so many copies in the first three months that it wasn’t
difficult to get interest from mainstream publishers. My first deal was done
after a three-way auction.
What do enjoy most about your job? And least?
really love a bidding war but I think what gives me most joy is calling a debut
author and telling them I have had an offer from a publisher.
is it you are looking for when a manuscript lands on your desk? Are there any
specific plots or themes you’d like to see?
I would never ask for specific
plots or themes or I’d be seeing them all the time and what I really want is
something unique. I say to clients that they should never try to write for the
market. I say, ‘Write what you are burning to write, what you cannot resist
writing and write it from the heart.’
Do you ever find authors outside the slush pile? If
so, how?
make a point of keeping in touch with as many writing organisations as we can.
We get the anthologies from all the creative writing courses and we go to their
launch parties.
What advice would you give someone submitting to you?
receive 10,000 submissions a year from hopeful writers and invite a small
percentage of these to submit full manuscripts. It isn’t worth burning your
bridges with agents by sending a very early draft.
rewrite, polish, get editorial feedback from a college or writing group and
submit your work to me when it’s the best it can be.
will then work editorially to help you improve it, so that by the time we
submit it to publishers it has the best possible chance of being accepted.
Do you think romance writing has a negative image?
If so, why? And what can romance authors do to counteract it?
new generation of readers is coming along and how they conceive of what is
romantic could be quite different. Most
female readers now see themselves as stronger and more in control of their
lives than the protagonists of traditional romance novels. Readers often need
more than the satisfaction of the lead character winning her man; I like to
have an element of mystery or some kind of suspense to keep me turning the
pages. There is a huge trend for psychological thrillers at the moment and they
tend to have very interesting female leads. There seems to be an edginess to
what’s popular at the moment.
benefits do you feel an agent can offer an author?
This is endless but to
summarise, I give my clients more time to write by looking after the business
side of their careers. I can do better deals than they might be able to do for
themselves. More time. More money. And time is money!
What’s your favourite romance novel of all time?
and Prejudice
Apart from your own authors, which book have you enjoyed
the most in the past twelve months, and why?
Fish Bowl by
Bradley Somer – Ebury Press. A brilliant story about the isolation of modern
living. One episode had me laughing and crying at the same time.
A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler – Vintage
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy – Harper, Perennial. Each page is
exquisite; there are sentences you have to read two or three times.
Five Star Billionaire by Tash Aw – Fourth Estate. Five fascinating and
wildly different characters come together in contemporary China.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
job involves a lot of sitting so I squeeze in a cycle ride most days and I try
to do yoga once a week. Living in central London allows me to go to a lot of
theatre and concerts. I love staying in a place by the cliffs in Norfolk and
cooking for friends and family from whatever grows in the garden.
If you could describe your working day in just
three words, what would they be?
It was great getting to know you through the RNA
blog, Eve. I enjoyed your answers very much. And how lovely to dislike nothing
at all in your job! Thank you very much for taking the time to join us.
About Helena:

Thank you, Helena and Eve for a most interesting interview.
The RNA blog is brought to you by,
Elaine Everest & Natalie Kleinman
If you would like to write for the blog please contact us on elaineeverest@aol.com
It was great to read this interview. As one of the few writers lucky enough to be signed by Eve out of the 'slush pile' it was interesting to find out a little more about her... and I totally agree that readers nowadays expect their romances to have a little more edge.
What an uplifting interview, Eve. Love your positive spirit - 'something will turn up' - a wonderful story in itself. Thanks for sharing, Helena.
I'm actually doing an MA at UEA at the moment and Eve is not on our radar... so that's not true
I always like to read insights from agents and editors - Eve has a very positive view. I loved The God of Small Things - a very special kind of read.
What an interesting article. I would love to have an agent like Eve! How does one go about getting an agent if already published by a small press?
Hywela, I imagine you'd need tto submit your next manuscript, rather than the ones that are already published - unless they're doing extremely well, and you think an agent might be interested in helping you get the rights back and placing them elsewhere. Good luck with your submission.
Lisa - If you haven't heard of Eve White''s agency, perhaps it might be worth you and your fellow students getting in touch with her to see if she would be interested in reading your finished manuscripts, and mention this interview. All the best with your studies.
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