Friday, June 16, 2017

Book Bloggers & Reviewers: Amanda Moran – One More Page

We are delighted to welcome Amanda Moran to the RNA Blog’s monthly series where we speak to book bloggers and reviewers and get an insight into their world.

Welcome Amanda, tell us a little bit about yourself and One More Page.
I'm Amanda and I blog at One More Page. I grew up in the north east of England but have lived in
London since 2001. I’m a librarian and Mum to Max and Sam who both love stories as much as I do. I love the seaside, crochet and of course reading. My ultimate dream is to own a bookshop by the sea one day!

What made you start to review/blog?
I started One More Page in July 2010; my husband had a blog and kept telling me I should start one on books. I’ve always loved books and reading and used to keep a paper book journal to record what I read and my thoughts. The blog sprang from there (it’s subtitled, ‘Diary of a Book lover’) and is my online book journal. What I didn’t expect when I started blogging was to fall so in love with it. It has become almost as much of an addiction as reading and I’ve met some truly lovely people as a result.

What’s your review policy?
It still amazes me that people want to send me books to review! My review policy can be found HERE
I update it regularly so please do check back often to see what availability I have. I review most genres but especially love romance, paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction.

I know you are about to celebrate a wonderful 'blogaversary' for One More Page – Seven Years this June – Congratulations. What is the most important thing you have learned about blogging during that time?
Thank you - I don't know where that seven years has gone! The most important thing I've learned is to not put too much pressure on myself. It's very hard to say no when lovely authors and publishers offer so many wonderful books but it can be very stressful to see that review pile mounting and I've learned the hard way that there are only so many books one person can review in a month. It's taken me seven years but I think I've finally got the balance right.

If you could give one piece of advice to authors what would it be?
Be creative when approaching bloggers; even when I'm fully booked for reviews I'll often accept cover reveals, guest posts, Q&As, giveaways and other features. I really appreciate it when an author takes the time to read my blog or get to know me on Twitter, Instagram etc. and then contacts me.

I see from your blog that you are a librarian – tell us a little bit about a typical day in the life of a librarian.  Do you ever get to recommend books to visitors to your library or take part in author events?
I work in a corporate library so there aren't many chances to recommend books but I do love to share and recommend books with my fellow librarians and I'm part of a lovely book club with some of the other mums from my sons' school so I do lots of recommending there! I love author events and although I don't get to do them at work, I love to go along when I can. I'm lucky living in London that there are often lovely author events at bookshops locally.

You say that your dream would be to move back to the North East and open a bookshop by the sea which sounds idyllic – (If you want a business partner, I’m in!) What do you like to do in your spare time however when not reading?
That is my dream and in the last week I've moved a step closer to making it a reality. If all goes well I'll be relocating back to the North East coast over the summer (please cross your fingers!) The book shop bit is still a dream but you never know! I've recently discovered a new love and hobby - crochet. I am quite literally hooked (pardon the pun) and have even taken to listening to audiobooks so that I can fit in more crochet time!

We often ask agents and publishers what they consider to be the next 'big thing' - what do you hope to see in 2017?
Oooh tough question! I think we all need a bit of magic in our lives.  I'm a huge fan of books that use magical realism. Sarah Addison Allen does it brilliantly and I'd love to see more from UK writers.

Thank you so much for having me!

You are very welcome, Amanda.  Thank you for your being a lovely guest and best of luck with the move. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.


Ellie Holmes:
Ellie writes commercial women’s fiction with her heart in the town and her soul in the country. Ellie’s debut release was The Flower Seller. A member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and the Alliance of Independent Authors, Ellie’s latest book, The Tregelian Hoard, set in Cornwall, is the first novella in her Jonquil Jones Mystery Series and her next book White Lies is due for release on 27th June.


  1. Bit late to the party as I was in Winchester last weekend for the literary festival but I just want to thank Amanda for being such a lovely guest and giving us a wonderful insight into her world.

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