Friday, June 9, 2017

Competition Monthly for June!

Half way through the year and we have another competition monthly from Francesca!

There are quite a variety of different competitions gathered together for you this month, some of them a little quirky. Not all of them offer cash prizes, but offer instead something else worth having.

The Myriad First Drafts, Adventures in Fiction and Cinnamon comps all offer feedback among their
prizes: something invaluable, especially to newer writers.

The main prize for the Seán Ó Faoláin competition is a retreat at Anam Cara on the Beara Peninsula in West Cork. It's described as 'a tranquil spot structured to provide support and sanctuary for people working in the creative arts'. It looks and sounds ideal for a week of peaceful writing.

The Modern Art competition is a bit of fun, just 75 words required, no fee and the chance to win a painting.

The Ad Hoc flash fiction comp is also free with the possibility of a £1,000 prize. No doubt there'll be a lot of contestants for that second one, but worth having a go all the same.

Among the judges for the prestigious Mslexia Women's Novel competition is novelist Philippa Gregory. There's plenty of time to get something together for that one as it doesn't close till September.

Good luck to everyone, and don't forget to let us know of any competition success you have.

**Closing Soon**
The Brighton Prize
Theme: Two categories: Short story 1,000 – 2,000 words, flash fiction 350 words max.
Prize: £1,000 / 2 x £100
Closing date: 30 June 2017
Entry: SS £8 / FF £6

**Closing Soon**
The British Fantasy Society Short Story Competition
Theme: Any kind of fantastical story including SciFi, horror etc
Prize: £100 / £50 / £20, plus publication, plus year's membership for 1st and 2nd
Closing date: 30 June 2017
Entry: £5

**Closing Soon**
Myriad First Drafts Competition
Theme: 5,000 words of a work in progress, either novel or short story competition
Prize: Week long retreat in West Dean College, Chichester, detailed editorial feedback, 6 months mentoring from a Myriad author.
Closing date: 30 June 2017
Entry: £5

Doris Gooderson Short Story Competition
Theme: Open, 1,200 words max
Prize: £200 / £100 / £50
Closing date: 10 July 2017
Entry: £5

Adventures in Fiction New Voices Competition
Theme: Open. First page of novel and one page synopsis.
Prize: Start up mentoring package worth £550, includes ms appraisal, development strategy, consultation.
Closing date: 21 July 2017
Entry: £10

Cinnamon Press Annual Debut Novel/Novella Prize
Theme: First 10K of a novel. Only open to those who've not had a novel or novella published.
Prize: One year's free mentoring or if already mentored, a publishing contract and 100 free copies.
Competition deadline: 31st July
Entry: £12

Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition
Theme: Open. 3,000 words max
Prize: €2,000, publication and weeklong residency at Anam Cara Retreat / €500 plus publication / 4 x €120 plus publication
Closing date: 31 July 2107
Entry: €15

Ad Hoc Flash Fiction Competition
Theme: Weekly word prompt, 150 words max.
Prize: £1,000, decided by public vote.
Closing date: weekly.
Entry: Free

Modern Art Flash Fiction Competition
Theme: Using the art on the website as a trigger. 75 words max.
Prize: A painting of your choosing.
Closing date: Monthly. Check for latest.
Entry: Free

Mslexia Women's Novel Competition
Theme: Fiction for adults or YA, at least 50K. Send 5,000 word extract.
Prize: £5,000
Closing date: 18 September 2017
Entry: £25

Thanks, Fran and good luck to everyone!

Francesca Capaldi Burgess has been placed or shortlisted in a number of competitions including Winchester Writers' Conference, Retreat West, Meridian Writing, Wells Festival and Writing Magazine. Her serial for The People's Friend is currently running. She's had stories published in magazines worldwide and in three anthologies, including Diamonds and Pearls and 100 Stories for Haiti. She is a member of the RNA New Writers' Scheme and the Society for Women Writers and Journalists. Francesca runs a writing blog along with RNA member Elaine Roberts called Write Minds. 

If you would like to write for the RNA blog, then please contact us at

This blog was prepared by blog team member, Louisa Heaton.


  1. Thank you, Louisa and Francesca. And congratulations Francesca. Love your serial, Happy Days At The Criterion, in the People's Friend. Keep them coming. xx

  2. Thank you, Maddie. Good luck if you enter any of the competitions. xx


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