Sunday, December 27, 2009

Melinda Hammond/Sarah Mallory talks about A Growing Tree

Author of historicals Melinda Hammond/Sarah Mallory shares her tales of a growing tree...

Our neighbours have a small plantation where they grow Christmas trees. A few weeks before Christmas we see a succession of cars passing our window as people drive up to choose and buy their tree. A couple of years ago we went over and bought a little tree, but rather than cut it down we chose to dig up the roots and put it in a pot, and after Christmas we stood it in a quiet corner outside where it has continued to grow for the past couple of years, coming in about a week before Christmas for its annual makeover.

This year our tree was decorated with snow before we could bring it in (I think it looks beautiful, but of course we had to knock off the snow before we could bring it indoors, or risk a soggy carpet!).

If it survives this year I think we will have to plant it out, for it reaches the ceiling now. Perhaps we will buy it some outdoor lights for 2010.......

Melinda Hammond/Sarah Mallory


  1. We used to have one that we planted out and then brought in from year to year. Sadly after about 5 years it began to object to such frequent moves and died on us!

  2. Your tree looks beautiful in both photos, I love it.
