Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Tree Tale from Jo Berverley

Best selling author of over thirty romance novels and many novellas, Jo Beverley shares her Christmas Tree story.

When my son was nearly one, I bought a Christmas tree on impulse at the Sears Clearance Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Sears do a big catalogue business, and the clearance centre had stuff that was returned and sometimes with damage.) It was a very basic artificial tree, but over the years it became our tradition even as we moved across Canada to Montreal, then Ottawa, then Victoria.

When we decided to come home to England we thought its time had come, but we realized we could only put light stuff in some filing cabinets, so we packed the tree in it. Now here it is, in Whitby, carrying 31 years of Christmas memories, plus a picture from that first Christmas, with the tree in danger from curious fingers.
Wishing everyone a happy Christmas.
Jo Beverley

Jo's latest release is LADY NOTORIOUS

1 comment:

  1. That's just lovely, Jo! 31 years of Christmas memories is a very special thing.
