Friday, May 14, 2010

The Summer Party Pictures and a Contest

It was a beautiful evening for the Summer Party at the Library of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and as always it was a buzz of conversation and laughter. It had to be a first the this year's winner of the Joan Hessayson Award went to a woman about to give birth in Spain, Lucy King. For her delighted reaction visit the RNA website
(NOTE: your photographer is capable of taking pictures and holding a glass of wine but note of carrying a note pad for names - so I have done my best to capture names but have failed dismally in several places- humble apologies)

(above Veronique Goodman, Margaret James and Cathie Hartigan)

(l to r Linda Mitchelemore, Sarah Newson, and Anne Bennett)

(Chris Stovell, Lyn Vernham and Sue Morcroft)

(June Tate and friend)

(Julie Vince, Norma Curtis and Trisha Ashley)

( Jan Jones introduces Katie Fforde)

( could put in comment here but your scribe will refrain - Julie Cohen and Nell Dixon)

(Lucy King's editor at Mills & Boon talking about Lucy and her winning book)

(Allie Spencer speaking about her year since winner the award last year while Katie Fforde speaks to this year's winner Lucy King on the phone)

(Rowan Coleman and Nell Dixon)

(Two editors from Hodder - Sophie Missing and Ms.Toon)

(Hannah Green and Natalie Braine from Orion with Jean Fullerton)

(Sarah Duncan, Lizzie Owen Thomas and friend)

(Margaret Barker, Flo Nicole of Mills & Boon and Jan Jones)

(your scribe was so overwhelmed by a wave of handbag envy she didn't catch the first woman's name - apologies, still trying to fight of the waves of handbag lust the next woman was Louise, and finally beating into submission Louise Mills from Orion)

Now that you have had a glimpse at the party it's time for the contest.

Thank you Julie Cohen for the donation of the prize - a signed copy of her latest book NINA JONES and the TEMPLE OF DOOM. Here's the mind bending question:

Using the photos below as a clue- what do most romantic novelists and the heroine of the book have in common?
I will drawn a winner out of a hat - well probably not a hat, but something- from all the correct answers post in the comments section.


  1. Thanks kathryn and sarah...the shoes were great last night...didn't photo enough of them :-)Do i count you both as having answered the question?

  2. I don't think you got the best side of my shoes there, lol. And the legs leave something to be desired too (i.e. contours).

    I should never have worn heels. I could barely walk this morning. Moan, groan. Fabulous party, though!

  3. Fab pics, Liz :o) And gorgeous shoes. (Jane, out yourself! Which shoes?)

    I can put a name to the other person with Flo and Jan - that's Eileen Nicholl (M&B medical author Margaret Barker).

  4. Answer : SHOES

    loving the awesome pics...btw I can soo relate to getting distracted by purse envy...I have a major purse/bag addiction.


  5. Jeev Mantotta-MaxtedMay 14, 2010 at 9:23 PM

    Shoes! I love those red ones (wouldn't be able to walk in them though!).


  6. Kate, I'm the black strappy ones ... with the enormous legs attached!

    I blame the foreshortening effect. Ahem.

  7. I'm going to guess shoes, they all are wearing great shoes.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  8. Sore feet? LOL!
    Love to put faces to names, thanks for the photos Liz.

  9. Awesome shoes! Shoes of power, shoes of joy, shoes of...oh my God, take me to a chair quick!

  10. Gorgeous sexy shoes! Oh yes, me too.

    Lovely pics.

  11. I'm going to guess shoes too - presumably preferably glamorous high heeled ones.

  12. I'm guessing fabulous shoes - and foot pain!

  13. And the winner is Linda Henderson - congrats. i have sent you an email please let me know if you don't receive it.

