Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Conference Countdown - Sarah Callejo Shares Her Excitement

Newbie Sara Callejo talks about the anticipation...

You can feel the excitement bubbling across twitter and emails. People are exchanging photos of their shoes for the RNA Gala Dinner and searching frantically for smart outfits whilst doing unbearable sacrifices to actually fit in them.

As a newbie I dared to ask if the RNA Conference was worth the effort for yet-to-be-published writers and I immediately received a string of emails from RNA members praising their experiences at their first RNA Conferences. Although each person described their own experiences, there were a few common factors I could draw from them: by the end of the weekend you will have made friends who will give you invaluable support during the years leading to publication and you’ll be back taking home a large basket of inspiration, advice and newly found energy for your writing. There were also quite a few mentions of kitchen parties at midnight...

All the messages were so enthusiastic that I quickly convinced my husband that this was a very serious conference which was vital to improve my work and I “forgot” to mention any details about fun, drinks and chatting to friends about our muscly heroes. He must be quite baffled at my palpable excitement whenever I mention the “boring conference with a bunch of very serious women”.

The truth is I feel like a schoolgirl about to go on summer camp. I feel a surge of bubbly excitement whenever I remember that I will soon be talking to the many friends I've met through email and twitter. But I’m also looking forward to days full of interesting sessions given by people who I admire for their writing and advice. I’ll be learning whilst having fun, what more could you ask for? Well, maybe one or two rays of sun...


  1. Great post, Sarah - you captured the feeling perfectly!

    So looking forward to meeting you and everyone else.

  2. I'm very excited too. Looking forward to meeting you!

  3. Oh but don't ask for too much sun, this place probably doesn't have air-conditioning and all my adorable outfits will get spoiled!

    Looking forward to meeting you, Sarah.

  4. A schoolgirl about to go on summer camp perfectly describes it. You'd think you were, like, a writer or something. :-)

    And we need lots of sun because I'm permanently chilly and don't want to spoil *my* adorable outfits by putting a jumper on over them.

    Looking forward to it!

  5. I can't wait until the weekend and look forward to meeting you at the conference.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Looking forward to meeting you Sarah. The conference is definitely inspirational - I always come back buzzing with ideas and fired up to write, write, write!

