Thursday, July 15, 2010

The gala Pictures Part Two - RNA Conference 2010

Sue Cook, Julia Williams, Jane Smith & Alison Morton
Just a quick note say your scribe has put names to photos where she can - but is missing many and will happily add them in. Your scribe would also love to post any more photos that attendees wish to share.

Liz Harris in front

Liz Fenwick & Katie Fforde

Jane Holland

Jane Smith, Kevin Woolmer & Sue Cook

Steve Wade

Evelyn Orange

Linda Hooper

Jane Lovering

Evelyn Orange(back - in black & blue),Jenny Barden (in pink)


  1. Some lovely pics there - even a nice picture of me, and, as anyone who's read my blog will tell you, nice pictures of me are like rabbit's fingers! Although I should reassure everyone that I really do have two arms. Fabulous dresses (and shirts, sorry, Steve...) in a fabulous setting - wonderful memories.

  2. Ahem, I'm stealing the lovely photo of me with wine glass in hand here for my blogs. Is that okay? Is it your photo, Liz?

    Once I'm sure who took that photo, I shall attribute it on my blog. Thanks for posting it here!


  3. 'Tis my photo - steal with my blessing.
