Thursday, November 18, 2010

RNA Winter Party - A Celebration of The New Writers' Scheme and Fifty Fabulous Years

Your scribe fell down (not literally) on her duty last night and didn't take as many pictures as she should have and far too few of the wonderful shoes....humble apologies.

Two hundred people attended an evening which celebrated the New Writers' Scheme. The RNA does many things well (including its parties) but it has excelled at encouraging and nurturing new writers.... Joan Hessayon New Writers' Scheme Award winners sparkled in the crowd and we toasted the continued success of the NWS and RNA. The party rounded off a fabulous year marking the association's fifty years.


  1. People always look so happy at the RNA parties. I wonder why... Is it because people are always so nice and good fun? Or is it the wine and shoes?
    I wish I could've been there and glad you all enjoyed it so much.

  2. What a great post, Liz. Thank you. I too feel like you're such a happy crowd and wished that I had stuck with writing women's fiction instead of crime, just because..

    I'm glad everyone had a lovely evening and thanks for the photos.

  3. Thanks for these, Liz! That flash lighting is so cruel though. I'm sure I didn't look that pasty-faced. Or perhaps I did?!

    Well, luckily everyone was too busy drinking and chatting to notice, I'm sure. It was a great night!

    In fact, I had a bit of a headache this morning. ;-)

  4. Liz - thanks for the pictures Liz - I reply on you for the pictorial memories (even if I usually cringe when I see myself!)

    It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

  5. It was a lovely occasion and once again, I really enjoyed coming along. Many thanks to everyone!

  6. I think Jane H. may have forgotten that she was celebrating a fabulous book deal. That's me, gazing at her enviously! It was a fantastic party.

  7. Oh, now I really wish I'd been there! All that glitter, all that booze, all those friends... glad you all had such a soooooper time, and maybe I'll make it next time?

  8. Fab photos Liz. It was great to see so many people having a good time.

  9. I beamed positive thoughts to you all while I battling my way through the traffic on the M4 and it obviously worked as you look as if you're having a wonderful time. But then, when are RNA parties anything other than wonderful?

  10. Jane, you mean I looked pasty-faced because I was celebrating a fantastic book deal? That's the best excuse I've ever heard for not wearing good foundation!

    See you at the Christmas Oxford chapter lunch perhaps? Apparently, it's Secret Santa day ... !!

  11. My first-ever RNA do, and I had such a good time. Only thing wrong was that I didn't managed to say hi to lots of people I'd hoped to - you, Phillipa, for one, and lots of others. Next time, I hope...

  12. What a fun evening and thanks for posting the pictures. I'm sure I don't look like that in real life! Or is it that I look different in my writing??

    Thanks so much for a nice time and some really lovely people.


  13. Great pictures as always, Liz. Thank you.

    I wish I could have been there too.

  14. I loved the pictures - especially the shoes. I live in hopes.

  15. Great blog Liz, and snashing pictures. My shoes were dead boring compared to those.


  16. Yes great pictures Liz. Also wish I'd been there. Hopefully next year...
