Saturday, September 10, 2011

RNA Regency Celebration

Do you like historical romance, and in particular the Regency/Georgian period and novels set in that era?  Are you a fan of Jane Austen and/or Georgette Heyer or books inspired by them?  Then the RNA’s upcoming Regency Celebration is for you!
It is being held on Saturday 8th October at the Royal Overseas League, near Green Park in London, and the day will be a mixture of serious talks and fun activities.  Here is a selection of what is included:-

-       A talk by Dr Jennifer Kloester on “Georgette Heyer and Her Life”
-       Regency dancing
-       Regency clothing demonstrations
-       Panel talks, such as “The Celestial Bed – Sex and the Georgians”
-       A guided walk around St James’s
-        “Sniff’n’tell” – talk about Regency scents
-       Parlour games
-       A quiz
-       A raffle (with some fabulous prizes!)
-       Book stall and author signings 

Dressing up in Georgian or Regency costume is optional, but we’re hoping to see some lovely outfits on the day - including military uniforms on attendant soldiery who have signed up!  Can you rival the lord and lady in the print shown here?  Could be difficult, but not impossible!

  1. A Regency Celebration - Saturday 8th October 2011 between 9.00am-6.00pm at the Royal Overseas League, Park Place, off St. James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR (near Green Park tube station).  For more information, please see the RNA website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @RNARegencyDay 


  1. I wish I could attend this it looks as if it'll be great fun.

  2. I wish you could come too, Debs! Maybe next time?

  3. There's chance to chat to authors of historical romance.
