Friday, May 11, 2012

Interview with Lucy Felthouse

I’m delighted to welcome Lucy Felthouse to the RNA blog today. Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she’s never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Constable and Robinson, House of Erotica, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance, Resplendence Publishing, Summerhouse Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour and Seducing the Myth. That’s a lot of publishers, Lucy, would you like to describe your journey as a writer. How did it begin? 

I’ve always enjoyed writing, ever since I was a small child, but it wasn’t until I went to University to study Creative Writing that I started to take it more seriously. While I was there, one of my friends dared me to write an erotic story, so I did. It went down really well and I’ve never looked back. I figured I enjoyed it and was good at it, so carried on writing and started researching magazines and publishers. I had some early success with my stories which spurred me on to write more, and I now have in excess of fifty publications to my name, with more coming!

Would you say the stories come easily to you? Do you plot or fly by the seat of your pants? 

I mainly write short stories, so with those I definitely fly by the seat of my pants. I just have a vague idea of what the story is going to be about, and I sit down and write. However, with my longer works, I find a very loose plan helps me to keep on track and keep things moving. If things change, or my characters do something unexpected then it’s not a problem, but at least if I have the plan I know where I’m trying to get to.

I’ve noticed that you seem to be hot on promotion. What tips would you give new writers seeking publicity?

It depends if you have a knack for it or not. If you enjoy using social media, blogging and spending lots of time on the web promoting yourself and seeking reviews, then go for it. But some writers don’t enjoy it, which is why I started my business, Writer Marketing Services (, to provide a service to those that aren’t naturally inclined to self-promotion.

Which of your books would you most like to see as a film and who would play the hero?

I’d love to see my paranormal erotic romance BITE WITH HEIGHT made into a film. However, it’s a lesbian piece so there would be no hero – just heroines! The vampire, Meg, would ideally be played by Nicky Aycox, of Supernatural fame, and Grace, the human, would be played by Julie McNiven, also from Supernatural. Yes – I’m a tad obsessed by the show, you should see how many films Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles would appear in if all my stories were made into films!

Which is your all time favourite book?
If you mean one of my books, it would have to be BITE WITH HEIGHT. If you mean someone else’s, I would have to say YEAR OF WONDERS by Geraldine Brooks.

Do you play music while you write? 
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It depends how difficult I’m finding it to get into "the zone."

Writers are often asked where they find their ideas. What is most likely to inspire you?

Anything and everything. It could be a person, a place, an overheard conversation, the weather, a TV show, a film, a book... my ideas pop up from all over the place, but I do seem to have quite a lot of them in the shower. I looked into it, and apparently it’s something to do with the positive ions in the air created by the water which stimulates your brain!

I rather like the sound of that. Taking a long bath seems to help too. So tell us more about your latest book.

My latest release is called OFF THE SHELF and is published as part of Xcite Books, The Secret Library range. It’s my first novella, and should also be available as a standalone title very soon. It’s about a travel writer who’s sick of her friends and family commenting about her being left "on the shelf." She does want to be with someone, but she is incredibly busy with her work and just hasn’t found anyone she likes... until she meets Damien. He’s a cute, shy guy working at the airport she travels through regularly and when they meet in the bookshop they hit it off – but will they get it on? Only one way to find out...

Off The Shelf appears in the anthology Silk Stockings
At 35, travel writer Annalise is fed up with insensitive comments about being left on the shelf. It’s not as if she doesn’t want a man, but her busy career doesn’t leave her much time for relationships. Sexy liaisons with passing acquaintances give Annalise physical satisfaction, but she needs more than that. She wants a man who will satisfy her mind as well as her body. But where will she find someone like that? It seems Annalise may be in luck when a new member of staff starts working in the bookshop at the airport she regularly travels through. Damien appears to tick all the boxes; he’s gorgeous, funny and intelligent, and he shares Annalise’s love of books and travel. The trouble is, Damien’s shy and Annalise is terrified of rejection. Can they overcome their fears and admit their feelings, or are they doomed to remain on the shelf?

To find out more about Lucy and her books, and read an excerpt you can find her here: 

Interviews on the RNA Blog are for RNA members, although we do occasionally take guests. If you are interested in an interview, please contact me:


  1. That was such an interesting interview, Lucy, and I admire your output!

  2. How prolific you are Lucy. Good for you. I must give those positive ions a try too!
