Monday, August 6, 2012

Sarah Morgan Wins A RITA

In 2010 at the RNA conference in Greenwich I was talking to Tessa Shapcott and Lucy Gilmour from Harlequin over coffee and delicious chocolate-somethings and they invited me to contribute to a new series they were planning called '21st Century Bosses.' The challenge was to come up with a fresh, modern story and with the help of more chocolate I mulled it over as I wandered into the next session which was run by the fantastic Kate Harrison and called 'Not just a fairytale'. During her talk Kate invited her audience to write down a writing goal. The lady in the row behind me said she wanted to see someone reading her book on a train. I said I wanted to win a RITA, the award presented by the Romance Writers of America, named after their first president, Rita Clay Estrada.
A week ago that dream came true and it was the 'boss' book (titled Doukakis's Apprentice) I'd discussed during coffee at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich that won me that award. I flew to California for the RWA National Conference knowing that I was a finalist but with no expectation of winning, and was deafened by loud cheers from both RWA members and RNA members when my name was called out. It was a truly thrilling moment made all the more special by the fact that my editor Lucy Gilmour was there to share it with me!

 Sarah Morgan


  1. So well done and well deserved Sarah.

  2. Brilliant, Sarah. And it's a fabulous book.

  3. Congratulations Sarah you so deserve it the book was a materpiece !

  4. You know when you're sitting at home, checking your emails and you suddenly scream and your husband says, "What is it?" and springs to his feet, looking for the mouse?
    No? Just me then.
    I was thrilled. Not only could it not have happened to a nicer person, i loved this book.

  5. oh thank you so SO much to everyone for their kind comments and all the support. I love the fact that this book was born at the RNA conference in Greenwich! Neatly links the two organisations :)

  6. You know when you're sitting at home, checking your emails and you suddenly scream and your husband says, "What is it?" and springs to his feet, looking for the mouse?
    No? Just me then.
    I was thrilled. Not only could it not have happened to a nicer person, i loved this book.

  7. Massive congratulations Sarah! I downloaded it last night on the Kindle. Loving it already. I left it at a cliffhanger though - will Romeo and Juliet be allowed to stay?! LOL - Caroline x

  8. So glad you're enjoying it Caroline - and fret not about Romeo and Juliet - I'm all about the happy ending :)

  9. Congratulations again, Sarah. I was so pleased to be there and see you up on that stage. It was a night to remember.

  10. Thanks Melanie, it was great to be able to share the moment with so many friends from all over the world. We had so much fun xx
