Sunday, December 30, 2012

On the Sixth Day of Christmas...Jan Jones

On the sixth day of Christmas Jan Jones adds to the RNA tree...

My mother loved robins, so we always had one on the tree when I was growing up. When I moved out, she bought me one for my firstChristmas tree. They've been added to over the years, and since she died, her robins have always been on my tree too. This year, because of the strange shape of the tree, all the robins are roosting together!

Jan's newest serial "Fairlights", about a house on a cliff in the mist, will start in Woman's Weekly on February12th 2013


  1. When my daughters were little we use to tell them it was Father Christmas's robin in the garden watching them to see if they behaved so your tree (which is very pretty) might freak them out a bit even now they are grown-up!
