Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Interview with Livvie Thomas

Today we welcome Livvie Thomas to the blog. Livvie says she has grown-up children, a less grown-up husband ;) and a Westie. She works at a Gynae hospital, loves reading, writing, (but not ‘rithmetic). She lives on the south coast but is quite obsessed with Ireland, has travelled extensively without setting foot on a plane. Oh, and she has a passion for Kelly’s ice-cream. 

I can echo that addiction, Livvie, having once lived in Cornwall, now what would you look for in a romantic hero? 

Physically, I do love blue eyes and nice hair – preferably dark, but sun-bleached blond is a good alternative. Muscles aren’t especially important. A hero is often more attractive if he’s vulnerable, and even a tad damaged, as long as he’s kind, honest, has a sense of humour, and can demonstrate that he cares.

What do you find the most fun part in writing? 

When I write with a partner, I enjoy the fact that I get to read huge chunks of my own novel without prior knowledge. My own writing is a doorway to another world – one where I rule, and can create people, places and events. I can ‘live’ something I always wanted for myself and never had. (If I ever write about vampires or zombies, strike that last remark).

Which of your possessions do you prize more than any other?

As I can’t really call my family possessions, I presume we’re talking material things. I love my laptop, but if I had to rescue something from a fire, it would be my children’s photographs. Although I suppose my dog is a possession, in which case it would be her.

What makes your hackles rise the most? 

I hate injustice of any kind. So much so that I find it hard to watch movies, or read books, where someone is being blamed for something they haven’t done. Reading “The Help” made me really angry and so frustrated at what was tolerated not that long ago. And I hate all kinds of cruelty or blood sports.

On a lighter note, I get really frustrated by supermarket items being placed behind the wrong price tickets. I’m very cynical and wonder if it’s always accidental. It’s very easy to say it’s a mistake, or blame other customers! They must make a fortune that way.

Are you a tidy person or prefer to live in chaos? 

I have a very tidy mind, but my body doesn’t seem to keep up. I can’t bear things being in a muddle, but always seem to be.

Which song moves you to tears?

I have cried at quite a few songs but usually because of memories I associate with them, and not the actual lyrics. I do remember crying buckets at Two Little Boys though! The most recent song to actually make me cry is probably “I’ll See You Again”, by Westlife. I’ve also had a few tears at the Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana, which is so moving. (I’m not exactly high-brow, but I do watch a lot of commercials.)

Different worlds collide when young Irish Traveller Luke is thrust into the alien world of affluent village life after the death of his mother. Lives are changed forever and a family torn apart when Luke’s arrival uncovers the lies and deceit of the past. 

Published by ChocLit

Beneath an Irish Sky, was co-written by two people, Liv Thomas and Valerie Olteanu, who have never met and live on different continents.

Available from Amazon
Twitter as @Livbet 
Facebook Author page 

Thank you for sparing the time to talk to us today Livvie. We wish you every success. 
Best wishes, Freda 

Interviews on the RNA Blog are for RNA full members, although we do occasionally take guests. If you are interested in an interview, please contact: freda@fredalightfoot.co.uk


  1. How lovely to 'see' you, Livvie! 'Beneath an Irish Sky' is next on my To Read pile; I'm looking forwards to it.

  2. Two Little Boys gets me every time. I remember we once swapped our favourite classical pieces. Mine was Pas de Deux from Nutcracker :-)

  3. Loved finding out more about you, Livvie!I'm still completely amazed the 'Beneath an Irish Sky' which I loved was written by 2 people. I have a particular soft spot for Luke I must say!

  4. I'm reading Beneath an Irish Sky at the moment and really enjoying it.

    I, too, love the Easter Hymn and Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana.

    Liz X

  5. Beneath an Irish Sky is on my kindle and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

    I can't believe it was written by two people and that you've never met! What a great story that collaboration must make.

    Beverley x

  6. Thanks for the comments, ladies, and thanks, Freda, for hosting me.

    Liz, I had to stop and think who 'Elizabeth Harris' was for a minute. :)

    Angela, I have a soft spot for Luke too but had to laugh at a lady on Goodreads who wants to smack him on the head.

    Now to prove I'm not a robot...

    Liv x

    (I can't get rid of the Isabella Connor tag unless I open a new Google account)

  7. I'm so impressed by this brilliant collaboration!

  8. Lovely interview Liv! And I so enjoyed Beneath An Irish Sky - it's a fabulous story!

  9. This is on my Kindle, ready for when I can actually read something for me rather than for appraisal or research! Great interview, Liv.

  10. I'm looking forward to reading Beneath An Irish Sky when I'm on holiday (beneath a blue sky, hopefully!). I love how you describe writing as a doorway to another world you've always wanted to live in - so true!

  11. I'm looking forward to reading Beneath an Irish Sky. It sounds great.

    You mean you've never wanted to be a vampire or a zombie? (just kidding. I've never wanted to be one either. Although sometimes I feel like a zombie...)

  12. Thank you, Margaret, Christina, Sue.

    Kathryn, Enjoy your holiday.

    Rhoda, I know where you're coming from with the zombie thing. I feel like one right now.

    Liv x

  13. I'm really looking forward to reading it too. Fabulous cover and the research must have been fascinating

  14. It's a fascinating culture, Zana, and the research became less daunting as it went on. Initially, it was quite scary, even when done via the net. It goes a lot deeper than the impression you get from those who give Travellers a bad name.

    Liv x
