Friday, June 27, 2014

Welcome to Author Kathryn Freeman.

Kathryn is a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero.

With two teenage boys and a husband who huffs at buying a Valentine’s Day card, any romance is all in her head. As Kathryn says, ‘his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn't always about hearts and flowers - and heroes come in many disguises’.

Thank you for having me on the RNA blog – it’s been a pleasure to answer your varied and interesting questions.

Being a writer can be a lonely occupation. What do you do to escape the house and meet other writers and how do you relax? 
I’m sure being a writer can be lonely for some, but not in my household! In between juggling my ‘other job’ (a self- employed medical writer) and providing a taxi and catering service to my teenage boys I use most of my spare moments to write. I love interacting with fellow writers on social media and meeting them at the RNA parties. As for relaxation, I run, swim or play tennis most mornings (well, maybe not relaxing, but it takes me off my backside for a while!). I also read – a lot.

I see you’ve been published in ebook and paperback. What do you prefer and why? 
As a reader – an ebook. I can buy one at the click of a button, try lots of new writers without breaking the bank and easily fit a library of books into my handbag.
As a writer – a paperback. That moment when I held my first paperback book, with my name on it, for the very first time. Priceless.

Your first book, Too Charming, is set in the world of the law and your latest book, Do Opposites Attract, involves a medical charity. Did you need to do much research for these and how did you do this? 
For the last twenty odd years I’ve worked in the pharmaceutical industry and much of my role involved researching medicines and disease. Admittedly the research I do for my books – law, refugee camps, motorsport (see final question) – is more varied and more interesting but it involves the same process. It’s mainly internet based but I also seek out friends (or friends of friends!) who have an involvement in the area and fire questions at them – then bribe them to read the manuscript and sense check it.

You have a very good website. How important do you feel it is for authors to have a presence in the world of social media? 
If you’d asked me this a year ago I’d have said yes, it was probably important but my heart would have sunk because I really didn’t know what it entailed. A year on I’m getting to grips with blogs and Facebook and Twitter (and yes, often I’m really enjoying it, too!) and my answer is that it’s not probably important, it’s vital. I only wished I’d begun it all years ago.

Agent or Publisher? What is your preferred route to publishing? 
I didn’t have a preferred route – I submitted my manuscript to both and crossed all fingers and toes. I was lucky enough to be picked up directly by Choc Lit and haven’t looked back since.

I see that you have written short stories. How do you find this in relation to writing novels? Do you see yourself writing more short stories? 
Give me a novel to write, any day. I think short stories are a real art form and I so admire writers who seem to be able to effortlessly produce them. For me, developing characters and a cracking story line in under 3,000 words is a real challenge. While I’m happy to accept that challenge now and again (Choc Lit are putting together an anthology for summer), I don’t think you’ll ever find a book of short stories by Kathryn Freeman.

Would you ever write under another name? 
Yes, if I wrote a different style. I’m not sure I ever will – my head seems full of contemporary romance (note, my head, not my life!) – but you never know.

What’s next for Kathryn Freeman, Author? 
My second novel, Do Opposites Attract is out in July – though the ebook is available now. I also have a novella, Life After, out later this year and then next year hopefully a book close to my heart – a romance set in the pharmaceutical industry. No research required! My work in progress involves a racing car hero – on my desk is a well-thumbed volume of Formula One for Dummies.

Amazon book links:  

RNA blog posts are brought to you by Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman.

We are currently seeking articles on the craft of writing. Contact us on if you would like to write something for the blog.


  1. Great interview. You always make me smile, Kathryn. Looking forward to reading Do opposites Attract :-)

  2. I think the all-male household has a lot to answer for - it drove me to romance writing too! Looking forward to your new book as I loved that last one.

  3. Always interesting to read about a writer's approach to their work and how they balance it with life's demands.

    Thanks for sharing that, Kathryn!

  4. Thank you Laura, Beverley and Angela for your kind comments. Life is definitely a juggling act - but how lovely that we all get to disappear from it for a while and get lost in romance (in our heads, at least).
