Monday, April 20, 2015

Brigid Coady: Joan Hessayon Contender 2015

Today we welcome Brigid Coady, another of our contenders for this year’s award.

Welcome, Brigid, congratulations on graduating the RNA New Writers’ Scheme. Can you tell us when you first decided that you wished to become a romantic novelist? 
I have always wanted to be a writer and also always read romance, so thirteen years ago when I started to take my writing seriously the stories I wanted to write were romantic. It seemed to click and no matter what genre I’ve tried to write there will always be a love story somewhere at the centre of it. I know that the support I’ve received from the RNA over the years has helped me realised I found the right home.
How many years were you a member of the NWS scheme and did you submit a different book each year? Which year’s book did you graduate with?
I was a member of the NWS scheme for ten years. I didn’t submit a different book every year, sometimes I sent the same book or a finished version of a book that I’d sent a partial in for a previous year. I was always sending my script in at the last minute. I think I was despaired of! ‘No One Wants to Be Miss Havisham’ was entered in the NWS in 2009.

How did you find your publisher?
Through the RNA! I met Kim Young when she worked at M&B; we talked about me submitting short stories. After her move to HarperCollins she was still interested so I sent her ‘The Last Kiss’. After writing more short stories, it was a logical step to submit to them.

Promotion is a big part of an author’s working life. How did you promote your novel?
I’m still at the beginning of the promotion and learning my way. I try and be active on social media platforms and start conversations with people. As my book is wedding themed I’m trying to promote through wedding sites and when I have a physical book I’ll be hitting the wedding fairs. I’m finding that it takes up a lot of my time. I’m open to any advice as I come closer to the publication date in June, all suggestions welcome.

What has happened to you as an author since that first sale?
Every one has been incredibly supportive. It has also reminded me that you really can’t give up and that your journey is your own and will take as long as it takes. I’m now writing my next novel and applying everything I learned from ‘No One Wants to Be Miss Havisham’.

How did you celebrate your first book sale?
I was living in Breckenridge so we celebrated in mountain fashion, first by going for a trail run, then drinking at the local bar. Not too much as the altitude makes you a cheap date. When I got back to the UK I celebrated again. In fact I’m still celebrating!

About author, Brigid Coady:
I was born in the UK but raised round the world and spent most of my childhood with my nose in a book. When I was seven I wrote my first proper story about a magic puddle that flipped up to reveal a secret world underground. I’m now a non-practicing engineer who works in project management. I write romance and young adult stories. I’ve been a voice-over and radio continuity artist. I love country music and used to have my own radio show. My boyfriend says I have an unhealthy obsession with Kenny Chesney. I live in London.

 Thank you, Brigid and good luck with your writing career.


  1. Thank you for answering my questions, Brigid and good luck.
    Elaine x

  2. Congratulations Brigid! Always knew you'd do it. Loads of luck with this book - the title is BRILLIANT!

  3. Hi Brigid. Lovely post! It's fascinating to read about the journey to publication from everybody's differing perspectives. Wishing you and No One Wants to Be Miss Havisham lots of luck ... :)

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  5. Brigid, a lovely interview. The magic puddle story sounds such fun! Congratulations and hope to chat some more in May!

  6. Congratulations Brigid. I love the title of your book and look forward to meeting you at the party in May.

  7. Congratulations, Brigid. So great to read everyone's journeys and, like Karen, I loved the magic puddle story! I look forward to meeting you 'in real life'.

  8. Thanks Karen, Georgina and Janice. I'm looking forward to May!

  9. Congratulations on your graduation from the NWS, Brigid! It's only a few weeks to the party now - see you there.

  10. I too love the magic puddle story, Brigid. Looking forward to meeting you on 21st May. Many congratulations.
