Monday, February 20, 2017

Book Bloggers and Reviewers: Julie Boon of Boon's Bookcase

Thank you to Ellie Holmes for another great interview in the latest RNA blog series.

I am delighted to welcome Julie Boon to the RNA Blog’s new monthly series where we speak to book bloggers and get an insight into their world. Welcome Julie, tell us a little bit about yourself and Boon’s Bookcase.

My name is Julie Boon and I have been blogging as Boon’s Bookcase for 2 years now. Reading is
certainly a passion of mine and since starting Boon’s Bookcase in February 2015. I can honestly say, I have never looked back! I have met some wonderful authors, publishers and bloggers (a few of these have become good friends). I love going to book events, parties and of course getting lots of wonderful books to read. The only thing that makes me sad, is the fact that I don’t think I will live long enough to read all the books I want to! Roll on retirement.

I have a wonderful husband, who I have been married to for 28 years (but have been together for 34). My Son Adam is 22 and has just graduated from university with a first class honours degree in Scenic Art. He is off to Australia in October for a big adventure (lucky him!). My daughter Emily is 17 and studying A levels in Music, Media and Art & Design – I have no idea where my kids get their artistic side from, it certainly isn’t me!! Oh and I also have a Jack Russell called Lola who is 8 years old and doesn’t like Postmen very much.

I work full time in a GP surgery as a Medical Secretary and have worked within the NHS for the past 15 years. Before that I worked near London Bridge for 18 years, so did my fair share of commuting.
I have always been a reader since I can remember and was always called a “bookworm” at school. The main genres I like to read are Women’s Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, Family/Wartime Sagas with a bit of History thrown in. Asking who is my favourite author is like asking which of my children I like the best, but a few of my favourites are:- Carole Matthews, Carol Rivers, Jane Costello, Kate Rhodes, Victoria Hislop – to name a few.
I would love you to take a look at Boon’s Bookcase, so why don’t you pop over and take a peek, you’ll be more than welcome.

What made you start to review/blog?
I had been reviewing books that I had read on Amazon and Goodreads for a while and when I joined Twitter I began asking publishers for books to review. The first question they would ask me was if I had a blog. I mentioned this to my son (who is a whizz with technology) and he said “Well why don’t you start one?” and the rest is history.
 What does your son think of the blog now?
He’s proud of me as I don't ask him questions anymore and he’s impressed with the amount of people who have viewed the blog.
 How has your blog developed over time?
I still feel like a bit of a newbie, even though on 2nd February this year sees my 2 year blogaversary, but I have been overwhelmed by the number of people that have viewed my blog and the positive comments I have had. I am still experimenting with it and learning from it, but I think that is an on-going thing with bloggers in general to make their blog the best it can be.
 What are your review guidelines?
 I don’t have review guidelines as such, but going back to question 2, I am in the process of updating the blog with a review policy. I do answer all queries I get from authors/publishers and if I can’t review or don’t think a book is for me, I will tell them. I am having to be a bit more assertive nowadays and say no sometimes because I have a full time job, a family to look after and I’m also studying for a Business & Administration Level 3 Apprenticeship qualification through work.
What do you expect from a writer when they appear on your blog?
I have done a couple of Q&A’s with authors who have given some great answers and many blog tours (some with pieces from the author) and all in all, the authors have been very supportive and have re-tweeted my tweets and some have left lovely comments on the blog and on my Facebook page. It’s very helpful to get a good response from authors generally.
How important is social media to you and your blogging team?
Social media is crucial to my blog. I would never have had as many views without authors/publishers/bloggers re-tweeting my tweets and people visiting my Facebook page. I am hugely grateful to my friend Julie Williams, who guest reviews on my blog, especially now as I am studying, as she reads and reviews more than I do sometimes. I am so grateful when my tweets are re-tweeted, as this gets more people to look at the blog and that is so helpful in getting your name out there in the world of publishing.
What are your interests when not blogging?
When I am not blogging, my main interest is still reading. I am also passionate about music and musical theatre and when time and money allows, I love going to the theatre and concerts. I listen to anything from Barry Manilow to Take That. I also love nothing more than sitting at home with my family and Jack Russell Lola, watching rubbish TV with a glass or two of red wine.
We often ask agents and publishers what they consider to be the next “big thing” – what do you hope to see in 2017?
Personally, I would like to see more London/Family/Wartime sagas being published. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea but they really are my guilty pleasure. I come from South East London and now live on the outskirts of London in Kent and have a passion for reading books like this as I love a bit of London history as well.
Thank you so much to Ellie and everyone at the RNA for hosting me today. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of your blogger event and I hope you haven’t fallen asleep reading about me and Boon’s Bookcase.

Far from it, Julie! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your world. I am impressed that you still find the time to review as much as you do, given the other commitments on your time. Congratulations on your two year blogaversary and good luck with the apprenticeship. Ellie x

Check out Julie’s blog and her social media links below.
Twitter: @JulieBoon

Ellie Holmes:
Ellie Holmes writes commercial women’s fiction with her heart in the town and her soul in the country. Ellie’s debut release was The Flower Seller. A member of the RNA and the Alliance of Independent Authors, Ellie’s latest book The Tregelian Hoard, set in Cornwall, is the first novella in her Jonquil Jones Mystery Series:


Thank you Julie and Ellie for a most informative blog interview.

If you are a book reviewer and would like to be interviewed for this popular series please contact the blog team on

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