Jane Jackson tells us about her unique work space.

We've all heard about working in shed but I work in a corner of the garage. I wanted to go "out" to work, so I wasn't available to callers or the phone. As we have a double garage, my beloved husband got to work and after measuring the space to allow for the van to be parked inside with sufficient room to open at least one of its doors so he could get in and out, he built a block wall partitioning off almost half the space. He then installed a floating floor, insulated the walls, put a ceiling up, installed a small nightstore, then covered one wall with bookshelves. I have a large double-glazed (opening) window that looks over farm fields to the woods on the hill. Before the farmer died and his wife had to lease the fields to crop contractors, he had a dairy herd, and every summer I watched the cows making up to the bull, then calves being born. My ancient desktop computer is not connected to the internet, so no risk of viruses, and no time diverted from the wip to checking and answering e-mails. I have to come into the house to do that on my laptop. This means I have to walk from my office around the back of the house and in through the garden patio door at regular intervals, ensuring frequent fresh air and exercise. I LOVE my office, it's a combined work space, bolt-hole and comfort blanket.

Her latest historical romance HEART OF STONE published by Severn House £18.99, is out now.
That sounds fabulous, Jane - thanks for sharing it with us!
I do have a writing space in a spare room, but I also write wherever and whenever I ca, especially outdoors in summer. Love the inspiration of the scents and sounds of the trees and water.
How wonderful, Jane.
I have a 4' length of desk upstairs with the computer on and no usable space - and the cleared portion of the kitchen table downstairs for pen-and-paper.
You do not want to see the rest.
How wonderful, Jane. I have a fancy shed at the bottom of the garden but hate leaving the house these dark mornings and cling to the laptop on the dining room table. With the internet and every distraction possible. Such a wimp :)
Thanks so much for the comments. Believe me, I know how lucky I am. When I first started writing it was with biro and A4 pad on the kitchen table. To have my own space and be able to leave everything where it is each time I finish for the day is bliss!
What a gorgeous workspace and view, Jane! (No wonder the settings in your books are always so vivid.)
And so tidy, too! (Looks round at the boxes in own office. The piles of paper. That I promised to clear up after the last book, except I started the next on instead. Hangs head in shame and vows to Try Harder *g*)
Thanks for sharing.
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