Friday, April 11, 2014


Today we welcome author, Jane O’Reilly to the blog.

Tell us something about yourself, Jane.
I started writing as an antidote to kid's TV when my youngest child was a baby. My first novel was set in my old school and involved a ghost and lots of death. It's unpublished, which is probably for the best. Then I discovered contemporary romance.

What gave you the idea for Indecent Exposure?
Initially I intended to write a short novella, and the first draft was only 15K. This took me about a week. Over subsequent drafts, I extended it until it was closer to 30K. I had specifically wanted to write erotica which was not BDSM focussed, and the lovely window of a photography studio near to me gave me the idea of a heroine who takes boudoir photos on the side.

How did you find your publisher?
I was looking for a UK based publisher and I knew that the newly established Carina UK was looking for writers. I submitted in the usual way, with a partial followed by a full. All in, it only took a couple of months from the initial query to acceptance.

What would be the perfect item to help you survive a holiday?
Factor 50 sunblock. I think I must have been a vampire in another life.

What’s next in your writing life?
I'm currently writing more erotic romances for Carina. Three were published in March, and I am contracted to write another four by the end of the year. I am also working on a romantic space opera trilogy (also known as the crazy space book) about a space pirate and a genetically modified woman.

Tell us about your latest book.
Ellie Smithson is a respectable photographer by day –  but after dark, she takes pictures of a more…intimate nature – a dirty little secret she’s kept from her accountant Tom. Then she discovers he is the subject of her next racy shoot.


Thank you, Jane and good luck with you busy workload.

Complied by Elaine and brought to you by the blogging team of Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman.

If you have a book due for release and would like to be featured on the RNA blog please contact

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