Tuesday, April 8, 2014

FOCUS ON: Leicester Chapter

This month we welcome members of the Leicester Chapter who tell us about their activities.

The Leicester Chapter of the RNA is organised by Lizzie Lamb and June Kearns and has twenty one members including Sue Moorcroft (Vice Chairman) Jean Chapman, Anthea Kenyon (Vice Presidents) and Adrienne Vaughan (Hon. news editor). The chapter meets once a month on a Friday at The Cow and Plough, Stoughton, Leicestershire from 12 noon to 3.30pm. Members come from as far afield as Manchester, Norwich and Sheffield but we are also joined by local writers. We share industry news, successes, and support each other through the good times and the bad.  Lately the chapter has had lots to celebrate with members gaining publishing contracts, being taken on by an agent, holding book signings in Waterstones for Valentine’s Day and forging ahead as indie authors.

In the past, the Leicester Chapter has held writers’ days at a local tea room, but as some of the membership already meet weekly at Leicester Writers’ Club and/or The Just Write Workshop it was felt that informal gatherings suited the chapter best. Having said that, twenty three chapter members recently spent a fabulous day at The Belmont Hotel, Leicester discussing a wide range of topics. These included: social networking – does it actually help to sell books/ Goodreads- how it works/ writing for the magazine market/ becoming more visible on Amazon through refining ‘tags’ and categories’/how to promote your books without turning off readers. This day was generously subsidised by the RNA and the chapter is already considering holding a similar day in the autumn.

More about the Leicester Chapters’ Writers’ Day will appear in the next edition of Romance Matters.

Well, that about sums up the Leicester Chapter. If you would like to join us please email Lizzie Lamb on cyberlambo@hotmail.com and come along and give us a try. We’re a friendly bunch who like helping others.

Thank you so much, Lizzie.
The RNA blog is brought to you by Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman. If you would like to see your Chapter featured here or have a craft article you'd like to share please contact us on elaineeverest@aol.com
If you have a book due for release why not book a blog spot and we will interview you?
We are now booking for June and July.


  1. Thanks for doing such a great job with the blog, Elaine. We are a thriving chapter, going from strength to strength and very supportive of each other. Thank you for giving me the chance to tell other members a bit more about us.

  2. I'm gutted I missed the day at the Belmont hotel, I've heard really good stuff about it.

    The blog looks great! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Same as Maria - I'm gutted I missed the event, but I was already going to another conference or I would have been there like a shot.

    Totally agree the Leicester chapter are a friendly bunch - thanks to Lizzie and June for their hard work organising us all :) x

  4. Every month I travel over from Nottingham to spend an afternoon with the most inspiring group of writers and come away with a new nugget of knowledge.

    The mini conference at The Belmont Hotel was fab and yes please for another one later in the year.

    Great blog and many thanks to Lizzie and June for organising us all. xx

  5. Meeting monthly, the Leicester Chapter are a great bunch of writers. It is so inspiring to catch up on news, celebrate the successes and watch new writers grow. Belmont was fab, so much useful info and tips packed into one day in lovely surroundings. Many thanks to Lizzie, June and Adrienne for putting in the work that's necessary for such an event to happen. Well done, Leicester!

  6. The Leicester chapter rocks! I travel most months by train from Sheffield for the friendship and the writer's chat and advice so graciously given. The recent writing day at the Belmont hotel was like a mini conference. Hats off to Lizzie and the New Romantics 4 for organising and thanks to fellow members for being such a fabulous bunch of ladies :-) xx

  7. What a lovely, uplifting post. I do love the RNA chapters but rarely get a chance to go to the meetings of my local one these days (London & southeast)although when I have been in the past, I've thoroughly enjoyed them. The Leicester chapter sounds great too, as does the Belmont hotel event you held. How lovely and supportive you all sound. I so enjoyed reading this post, Lizzie xx

  8. Great post, my life as a struggling author totally transformed when I met Lizzie Lamb and June Kearns, then Mags Cullingford and the rest of the Leicester Chapter. I'm still struggling but not alone, we all support and help each other which is fantastic. Being an author can be a lonely calling, but with writerly mates like these it's a lot more fun!

  9. junekearn2@gmail.comApril 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    Great post and a variety of really lovely people. We laugh a lot, learn a lot. I always look forward to meeting.The Belmont event was a master class - thanks to the RNA for sponsoring!

  10. Wonderful post.
    Our writer's day at the Belmont in Leicester was one of the most inspiring days I've had in a while.
    Talks on social networking were informative and inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the power point information on Goodreads.

  11. I love being part of the Leicester Chapter of the RNA with its warm support. Spending a few hours with other writers each month is the best way of exchanging news, giving and listening to advice, and encouraging each other. The recent Belmont Day was fantastic, and we owe much to the inspired Lizzie and June.

  12. It's a pleasue, Lizzie. I'm enjoying our blogs about the chapters and all the great work they do to encourage writers. x
