Friday, April 4, 2014

Plus One is a Lucky Number for Teresa F Morgan

Teresa F Morgan tell us how she found her publisher

A mum to two boys by day, romance writer by night. I’m at my happiest baking cakes, putting proper home cooked dinners on the table (whether the kids eat them or not), reading a good romance, or creating a touch of escapism with heroes readers will fall in love with.

Sophie Trewyn has a wedding to attend, and no one to go with, until her friend convinces his best mate, Adam Reid to go with her.  All the pretending, Sophie starts to wish it were true. But with some surprises in store, will Adam regret saying yes?

What gave you the idea for your book and how long did it take to write? 
I’ve always liked the concept of two people pretending to be in love. Is the affection real or pretend? It’s my favourite kind of storyline. Plus One is a Lucky Number is a little bit inspired by the film The Wedding Date. I wrote the first chapter for the Mills and Boon New Voice competition for September 2010 and had it finally finished and polished in 2012 to send out to publishers.

How did you find your publisher? 
Since joining the RNA New Writers’ Scheme, I have been attending the Bath and Wiltshire Chapter meetings organised by Rachel Brimble. Last summer, one of my chapter members (Lorraine Wilson) had just been accepted by Harper Impulse, so I checked out the company to see they were brand new, and thought let’s send it off! The manuscript was with the New Writers’ Scheme and I did contemplate waiting to hear back from them first, but decided to grab the bull by the horns. To cut a long story short, Lorraine helped me get to the top of the slush pile by mentioning my name to Charlotte Ledger, and as they say the rest is history. I believe Lorraine found out before I did that Harper Impulse wanted my book.

How do you fit your writing into your busy life? Are you a lark or an owl? 
I’m definitely an owl. I can’t get myself out of bed early to write. I’m up at 7am anyway with the boys to get them to school. I write best during the day while they are at school (when I am not doing the day job and real life isn’t getting in the way too much) and in the evenings, once they are in bed. I try to write/edit for at least one hour a day – where possible. I work Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, which usually leaves me too tired, so I try to do other (what I call) Writing Related Activities, i.e. reading, blogging, etc. on those days.

What is next in your writing life? 
I’m contracted with Harper Impulse for a second book and so I am trying to work through that at the moment. It’s at about 80,000 words but needs editing and some ‘additing’ (a word I made up in NaNoWriMo 2006). I really want to get it off to my publisher soon, as it feels like for a couple of years now I haven’t actually worked on anything fresh. (ebook) Plus One is a Lucky Number (paperback release 8th May 2014) One is a Lucky Number

Thank you for joining us today, Teresa

Compiled by Natalie and brought to you by the blogging team of Elaine Everest and Natalie Kleinman

Please contact us at if you wish to be featured on our blog or would like to write a craft article.


  1. I'm so sorry, I was at work yesterday, and so tired last night, completely forgot you were hosting me. Thank you soooo much ;-)

  2. Great interview, Teresa, and wonderful to hear what a supportive local chapter you have.

  3. Thanks, Romy. It really is a lovely chapter group, and fab now that four of us are with Harper Impulse :)

  4. Great blog, Teresa. So pleased for you. Caroline x

  5. Thank you, Caroline. Thanks to Harper Impulse I've made fabulous new writer friends like you ;-)
