We’re delighted to welcome Cornerstones’
Alex Hammond today in advance of the RNA Conference where he will be conducting industry appointments with some of our members.
Can you tell us something about your work
and your journey to your present job?

However, my true interests lay in editing, in working with the
authors – a lot of working at an agency is in negotiating and redrafting
contracts, not helping authors with their redrafts! After a brief stint working
at a tech start-up, focussing on books and music promotion, I decided to go
back to school, beginning a PhD in Creative Writing through Southampton
University. At almost the same time, a serendipitous meeting on a train led me
to apply for a role at Cornerstones, and on meeting Helen, Ayisha and Kathryn,
I realised I had met kindred spirits - Helen and I have very similar stories
about wanting to spend more time with unsolicited submissions (we won’t call
them the slush pile, ever); more time than the pace of the industry can allow
What is a typical day like
for a busy editor – if there is such a thing as a typical day?
That’s a tough one! It’s such a varied and interesting role. There
is, of course, plenty of admin to do every day: you need to make sure every
stage of the author’s journey with us is smooth. I also tend to take the office
phone a lot (we all work remotely so it’s diverted to me), and that’s a real
pleasure and one of my favourite roles, talking to new and established authors
about their work-in-progress, chatting to them about the feedback they’ve
received either on their initial sample material either by myself or from one
of our New Author Enquiries reader, Dionne and Natalie, and working to match
them with the right editor (though this is mainly my colleague Julie’s
responsibility, but we work closely together to ensure the best editorial fit).
But as well as this, there are meetings with agents and editors (we always try
to forge and maintain relationships across the industry – we’re dedicated to
keeping our advice to authors up-to-date!); this week for example I’m writing a
report for an author, finishing a manuscript I’m considering scouting to
agents, calling another manuscript in that’s been through our process too, and
of course Helen and I are chatting about teaching techniques all the time: she
and Dionne are off to France to teach at A Chapter Away later this month. I was
there in July, and we’re chatting through presentation formats to make sure the
authors get the most out of our being there!
You came to the Conference
last year. What were the high points for you?
Without a doubt my one-to-one sessions: I just love sitting down
with an author, talking to them about their book, seeing ideas come alive and
in a small way helping to facilitate that process. Though I tend to get a bit
too excited, and my one-to-one sessions have been known to run over-time
How do you anticipate being
able to help people this year?
With one-to-one sessions – having someone look over your synopsis
and first pages and then brainstorm things with you can really help you
avoid writing yourself into a dead-end. Of course, dead-ends are a necessary
part of drafting, but if you can get some guidance you’ll find that the way
back from the dead-ends isn’t as intimidating! And of course, authors I’ve met
with are always welcome to follow up with me afterwards, and if there’s
anything Cornerstones can do to help them from that point, all they have to do
is call.
We’d like to hear more
about Cornerstones. What can you tell us?
Oh I might have answered a lot of this earlier! What I haven’t
said is that Cornerstones was founded in 1998, one of the first Literary
Consultancies in the UK. Since then, Cornerstones has grown from being Helen
and five freelance editors, to a team of five with over 60 editors on our
books. And 18 months ago we expanded into the US, making us the first and only
transatlantic Literary Consultancy. The US arm is headed up by the wonderful
Michele Rubin, who was an agent at Writers’ House in NY for 25 years, and is a
fantastic editor herself too!
We work with writers of all abilities, and on MS at varying
stages, from brainstorming the plot of an idea, through to structural editing,
market reads, copy-editing, and proofing.
Have you ever wanted to
write a book?
I have! My PhD novel is still the same novel I was working on for
my MA, though it’s advanced considerably. I was struggling with the academic
tone of it, the purpose of it being about exploring themes and expanding on
scholarly research. And I could not, for the life of me, get past 52,000 words.
Eventually, Helen and Dionne had had enough of listening to me moan about it,
so they read over my synopsis and spent a lunchtime on Skype with me,
brainstorming the plot. Since then, the novel is nearly complete (well, nearly
complete in draft form, anyway), and now stands at a little over 76,000 words.
In one year, thanks to twenty minutes with Helen and Dionne, I wrote more than
I had done in the previous 6 years combined.
When not surrounded by
books in your job what do you like to read for leisure?
I am a huge historical fiction reader – particularly anything
military. But really, I want to learn about the past, and be entertained at the
same time. I’m also a big reader of Vietnam War-era American fiction: partly because
that’s the focus of my PhD, but also because there is a very interesting
literary voice in soldier’s narratives that just hooks me. I’m also a big
reader of non-fiction history books. And it’s rare I’ll go a year without
rereading a Terry Pratchett novel, and I reread Hemingway’s THE SUN ALSO RISES
every January…
What does the future hold
for you as an editor?
Who knows? One of the most exciting things about working for
Cornerstones is that I never know when I’m going to read a book that will
change my life! I have been, over the last year, increasingly on the lookout
for novels that speak to me so irresistibly that I have to help it succeed, so
I’ve been doing a lot more scouting alongside Helen. Long may it continue!
If you have one piece of
advice to give to anyone submitting a manuscript, what would it be?
Do your research: if you’re submitting to an agent, read as much
as you can about that agent, and tailor your submission to be personal. And
check the spelling! Nothing sends a submission straight into the bin quicker
than misspelling an agent’s name – or addressing them by the wrong gender!
So much useful information
for our readers, Alex. I’m sure we are all looking forward to meeting you at
Harper Adams. Thank you.
Questions compiled by Natalie Kleinman
If you would like to write for the blog please contact us on
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