Alas in my case, I have married a man without a romantic bone in his body. So it was that on our first Valentine's together, I with deep love in my heart searched the flower shops of Liverpool high and low, for a bunch of orchids (=forever), which I left, rather mysteriously I felt, on the bonnet of his car.
"Why have you bought me flowers?" was his unreconstructed male response, before producing a home made Valentine's present for me. "Here's my heart," he said. How lovely, I thought, till I realised it was made out of dental impression material...
The years passed and the most I could ever hope for was a card (never flowers - oh how I longed for a bunch of red roses), maybe a meal (but invariably we'd always forget to book and end up wandering the streets trying to find a seat at any table that would have us.) I even turned up one year with a red rose given to me by a stranger in a flower shop, and even that didn't work...
So in the end, I resigned myself to the fact that despite his many fine qualities, the man I had married was never going to fulfil my requirements in the romance department (just as well I can create fictional heroes for that), until Valentine's Day eight years ago...
I was four days from giving birth to our fourth and last child, so he was dutifully out in Sainsbury's doing the shopping. From whence, he came with the biggest bunch of red roses you've ever seen.
"I saw these and thought of you," he said, probably as much surprised by his actions as I was.
I vowed then and there never to worry if he never bought me another flower in my life, at least he'd done it once...
Which is just as well really. We spent last Valentine's Day in a freezing cold chalet at Pontins, with all four children. Who says romance is dead?

To find out more about Julia's latest book - LAST CHRISTMAS visit her website
Awww, that's just lovely, Julia!
Hello friends,
Thanks for your experience you have explain here. Really, it is a nice love story. Keep it up always!
Dental Impression Material
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