Today we welcome Densie Webb who likens writing a novel to
preparing Thanksgiving Dinner
Densie Webb (not Denise) has spent a
long career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor. Her debut novel
“You’ll Be Thinking of Me” was released by Soul Mate Publishing in January 2015. She
is an avid walker (not of the dead variety), drinks too much coffee and has a
small “devil dog” that keeps her on her toes. She is currently working on a
second novel.
So, Densie, why preparing Thanksgiving Dinner?
my debut novel, “You’ll
Be Thinking of Me,” came out in January, I spotted a
common theme among the comments I received: “I couldn’t put it down. A real
page-turner. I read it in two days.” That’s a good thing, right? No, it’s a great thing. But there’s also this thing:
It took me five years from first sitting down at the computer to my publication
date—five years of climbing the learning curve of writing fiction, researching,
writing, rewriting, editing, and submitting to agents and publishers.
that one soak in for a moment. Five years
vs. two days. That’s when it hit me: Writing a novel is akin to preparing Thanksgiving
dinner. Each year, on the 4th Thursday of November, the majority of
Americans sit down to “give thanks for the blessing
of the harvest.” At least that’s what Wikipedia says. Whatever the symbolism
behind the traditional Thanksgiving meal, the ingrained image is that of a
Norman Rockwell painting in which the family savors the once-a-year feast
I’ve noticed, however, there are no Rockwell paintings depicting
the long hours logged in the kitchen in front of a hot stove, getting the
ingredients and timing just right as you make sure the pumpkin pies are chilled
by the time the meal is done and the dressing isn’t dry or the turkey
undercooked. Neither are there depictions of the grocery lists or last-minute
return trips when you’ve forgotten that one essential ingredient.
And that’s where my writing analogy comes in. Anyone who has
ever prepared, served and cleaned up after a traditional Thanksgiving meal will
attest to the planning, labor, skill, patience and the hours it takes to get it
right. And that feeling of “is that it?” when the meal is scarfed down in
twenty minutes flat. While I’m thrilled beyond words that readers have found my
novel “unputdownable,” I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get the same “is that
it?” feeling when I heard it was being gulped down in two days.

Is it all worth it? It must be, because I’m already planning for
the next “Thanksgiving feast.”
A wonderful analogy, Densie. Good luck with You’ll Be Thinking of Me and with the next Thanksgiving feast.
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